“The Jubilee Year will be a time of hope, conversion, renewal, and evangelization. Our Diocese will unite with our Holy Father and Catholics all over the world in celebrating this special year of grace and favor.” – Bishop Gregory Parkes
The practice of a jubilee year has ancient roots. In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII instituted the first Christian Jubilee, a year set aside to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, to repent of their sins and forgive the sins of others, and to renew a focus on the spiritual life. Since then the Church has designated each new Jubilee as a special year of grace and forgiveness, offering the faithful an opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence. Originally occurring every 5o years, today this practice is observed every 25 years, and serves as a reminder of God’s love, mercy, and continual call to conversion.
The 2025 Jubilee will be centered on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.”
Bishop Gregory Parkes has designated six churches as official Places of Pilgrimage for the Jubilee Year. In 2025, Catholics are invited to become Pilgrims of Hope and reflect on their journey of faith towards Christ as they visit local places of pilgrimage.
During a Jubilee Year, Catholics can receive a Jubilee indulgence granted by Pope Francis for making a pilgrimage, as well as making an act of penance, going to confession, receiving Communion, making a profession of faith, and praying for the intentions of the Holy Father. The Code of Canon Law describes an indulgence as, "a remission before God of the temporal punishment for sin, the guilt of which is already forgiven" (canon 992).